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UNIT 7: Understanding the creative media sector

Post 1:

Tuesday 17th September 2019

Media Sectors:

  • TV
  • Film
  • Radio
  • interactive media
  • computer games


Tuesday 24th September 2019


Three things within this sector [UNIT 7]

  • UK Animation
  • UK Games
  • UK Films

UK Film

  • The UK is one of the leading film producing markets in the world.

  • A film produced within the UK. This includes filming, editing and publishing of the film, by a British company. However, the directors and actors can be from other countries and regions.
Companies & Jobs:
  • There are many British film companies; Cloud eight and Aardman, are amongst the few, which offer many different types of jobs. From directing, to camera operators and even runners.
  • The film industry has been brought to many different platforms, especially over the past few years. 
    • Some of these are:
      • Online companies, Netflix, Amazon prime, Apple Movies...
      • Cinema
      • YouTube
      • DVD
      • Gaming Consoles
      • PC
      • TV
  • There are many problems associated with the new forms and platforms of film. For example, the use of online platforms has made it easier to view films, rather than going to the cinema.

Post 3:

Tuesday 1st October 2019


  • Private Ownership
      • A company that is owned privately, by an individual, or as an organisation.
  • Public service company
      • Is a way to broadcast things to the public, such as Radio and TV.
  • Multinational
      • A company that operates within many different nations, such as the oil industry.
  • Independent businesses
      • An independent business is a privately owned establishment, similar to 'private ownership'. 
      • Free from outside control.
  • A conglomerate
      • Multiple businesses which operate in different industries and sectors, but are owned by one corporate group.
      • E.G Samsung.
  • Voluntary
      • A business that its sole purpose is not to make a profit, but to create a social impact.
  • CIC
      • Similar to a voluntary organisation. A CIC stands for Community Interest Company. 
      • For social enterprises that want to use their profits for public good.


Post 4:

I don't think that Attack the Block should be raised to an 18, because of recent rise in crime, particularly knife crime, in London; because it is based off of fictional events, and depict the acts of fictional fighting against aliens. So the events cannot actually happen in real life. It was given a 15, because it used swear words 40 times, and has the use of easily accessible weapons, such as base ball bats and others, to depict affects of violence. 

For this reason, I don't think It is worthy of an 18 BBFC rating.


Unit 7.2 - Legal and Ethical


- Targeting political issues is a legal constraint. For example, the Deforestation advert by Iceland. The advert was later banned, as it brought up the political side of deforestation, although, this caused public outrage as it targeted an important issue.

- An Irish advert, which targeted dangerous driving, at which it was a very graphic depiction of a car crash, hitting a school group. The advert was banned because of ethical reasons, as it was also aired before watershed, meaning children saw the advert.

There were accounts that children were actually scared to ride in their parents cars, or go on school trips because they had been so deeply affected.

Creative media:

- Legal restraints is a large part of interactive media, as their are many creators that are not aware of advertising rights, and how to correctly gain permission for using other content. For example, if a creature uses imagery or content from another company, without gaining permission or giving links to the imagery, then the company has the right to ban the video.

- There are also things in place to stop people from sharing racial, homophobic and any other stereotypical hate on social media. This is in place so tightly, that tweets from celebrities, from years before they were famous have been brought up and deleted. This can be detrimental for celebs and their associates. 


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